Privacy Collection Notice – Avatar Creation

In order to comply with our obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act), we are required to notify you of certain matters when we collect your personal information (Notice).  These matters are outlined below.

Why we collect your personal information?

We collect your personal information in order to provide our services to you.  By completion the avatar generation process, we are able to create an avatar representing your personal anatomical data and body measurements so that our retail partners can provide better services to you.

Who will we disclose your personal information to?

The images taken in the course of your avatar creation are stored on our secure server and are not disclosed to any person. We use these images to create a virtual body double, this body double includes a recreation of your face based on facial images, generic skin tone and other personal information about your body measurements and other anatomical data. After you generate your avatar, a copy will be accessible in your account, showing exactly what personal information comprises your virtual avatar. These avatars are disclosed to third parties for the purposes of providing our services to you, including:

(a)     our retail partners around the world who provide services and offer products to you; and

(b)     our related bodies corporate.

Will we disclose your personal information overseas?

By providing your personal information in accordance with this Notice, you expressly consent to our disclosure of your personal information to such persons, including where overseas recipients, in the manner set out above despite the fact that these overseas recipient may not be accountable under the Privacy Act and you may not be able to seek redress under the Privacy Act for activity or conduct engaged in by such overseas recipients. Such recipients may be located in jurisdictions throughout the world including the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, Europe, Singapore and any other jurisdiction where our retail partners exist. You control who you share your avatar with and which of our retail partners you would like to access the personal information included within your avatar when using our platform, and in electing to share your avatar with those retail partners you consent to us sharing your personal information to those persons despite the fact that they might be located in jurisdictions outside Australia.

Do we collect sensitive information?

Some of the personal information we collect in connection with your avatar creation, for example your photographic information and biometric data may be considered ‘sensitive information’ under the Privacy Act. Such information is collected inadvertently for the purposes of providing our services to you. By completing this form, you consent to the collection and use of sensitive information in accordance with this Notice and our Privacy Policy.

For further information regarding the way we collect, use and disclose your personal information please see our Privacy Policy which is available on our website at

If we do not collect your personal information, we may be unable to provide you with our products and services. If you do not feel comfortable with the circumstances of collection or potential disclosure of your personal information, as outlined in this Notice or our Privacy Policy, or you do not wish to provide us with your personal information, please do not complete this form and cease using our products and services immediately.

3D Measure Me Pty Ltd (ABN 89 627 676 984)