Getting Started with 3D Measure Me

How do I create an avatar?

Press the green circle with the + sign in the bottom right hand corner of the dashboard and follow the instructions in the app. For best results:

  • Wear fitted clothing such as fitted gym gear, swimwear or underwear and no shoes to ensure the best accuracy.
  • Please DO NOT take photos naked as this will reduce accuracy.
  • Tie up long hair in a bun or high pony tail. (A bun is recommended for hair longer than shoulder length.)
  • Stand in the A pose – stand up straight, head facing forward, feet shoulder width apart and arms slightly away from the body with palms facing forward.
  • Stand close enough to the phone so your body fills most of the screen. The closer you are with your whole body visible the better the accuracy. (Use our on screen outlines as a rough guide for distance and direction. It is not essential to be within these lines.)
  • Make sure your whole body is visible on the phone screen including feet and hands. (The closer you are with everything visible the better our accuracy will be.)
  • Stand against a contrasting plain background. E.g. Don’t wear white clothes and stand against a white wall.
  • Keep the phone as upright as possible when taking photos.

What do I need to wear?

Please wear fitted clothing such as fitted gym gear, swimwear or underwear and no shoes to ensure the best accuracy. Please DO NOT take photos naked as this will reduce accuracy.

Wear clothes that contrast with your background so it is easy to see you. E.g. Don’t wear white clothes and stand against a white wall.

What do I do with my hair?

If you have long hair please tie it up in a bun or high pony tail. (A bun is recommended for hair longer than shoulder length.)


How should I stand for the photos?

Please stand in the A pose – stand up straight, head facing forward, feet shoulder width apart and arms slightly away from the body with palms facing forward.

Stand close enough to the phone so your body fills most of the screen. The closer you are with your whole body visible the better the accuracy. (Use our on screen outlines as a rough guide for distance and direction. It is not essential to be within these lines.)

Please make sure your whole body is visible on the phone screen including feet and hands. (The closer you are with everything visible the better our accuracy will be.)

Where should I stand?

Please stand against a contrasting plain background to ensure we capture your body properly. E.g. Don’t wear white clothes and stand against a white wall.

Plain surroundings are better as too much stuff in the background may reduce accuracy as details will get lost in the background.

How should I hold the phone?

Please keep the phone as upright as possible when taking photos.

When taking photos by yourself there may be slight angle when you lean the phone against something to stand it upright.

How much does the app cost?

The app is free, but if you would like to track measurements overtime a small monthly subscription fee applies. Please see the app for the latest pricing as prices by location and currency.

All personal users get 10 free profiles. Additional profiles can be purchased, if needed.

My shape has changed can I redo my measurements?

Yes. If you are a free user simply replace your current avatar by taking a new set of photos. If you would like to track your measurement changes simply sign up as a subscription user.

How often should I redo my measurements?

For most users we recommend you redo your measurements at least once a month to ensure best results for online shopping. You body shape changes over the course of a year depending on your food and liquid consumption as well as your level of activity.

If you are trying to get fitter and change your measurements then we recommend doing your measurements at least once every two weeks to help track your progress and keep you motivated.

What is the best time to do my measurements?

There is no best time. Over the course of a day your shape may change by a few percent. If you are tracking your measurements over time then it is best to try to do your measurements at the same time for consistency and best comparisons.

Why are my measurements different between avatars?

Did you know that the human body shape can vary by up to 5% each day. Peoples weight can vary by up to 3kg over the course of a day. Everything you do impacts your avatar and measurements. Even small changes like how far out your chest and stomach move depending on how deep you breathe will impact your avatar and measurements.

The avatar you create represents you at a particular point in time.

For the best comparison you should try to create your avatar at the same time of day and in similar conditions. e.g. first thing in the morning before breakfast, or whenever and where ever you choose.

Why are the app measurements different to my manual measurements?

This can be the result of a number of factors, including:

  • The human body shape can vary by up to 5% each day. Everything you do impacts your avatar and measurements. Even small changes like how far out your chest and stomach move depending on how deep you breathe will impact your avatar and measurements. The avatar you create represents you at a particular point in time.
  • The location and path of your manual measurements will be different to ours. This is normal and is the reason why taking manual body measurements is so hard. Manual measurements often vary in path and location, sometimes higher, sometimes lower and at different angles all impacting accuracy. Our measurement locations and paths have been determined in conjunction with fitness and fashion experts and are applied consistently between scans improving the consistency and accuracy of your measurements.
  • Measuring our avatar means we are not pulling a tape measure too tight reducing the accuracy of measurements when trying to get the right measurement path and location.
  • People often tense up when being touched and measured up. This includes subconscious actions like sucking in your tummy when someone measures it. Measuring our avatar removes the awkwardness of someone else touching you improving your measurement accuracy.
  • A full set of manual body measurements often requires multiple poses and lot a of time making people tired and uncomfortable. Once we create your avatar we position it in multiple poses and get all the required measurements in less than a minute for you.

Why does my avatar face and skin look similar but not exactly like me?

To protect your privacy your avatar face and skin will look similar so you can identify your avatar, but not exactly the same.

How do I change displayed avatars?

Press the change avatar button (circle with 2 arrows inside) under the avatar, select the avatar you wish to display and press save.

Note – Historical avatars are only available to profiles with a subscription.

How do I share an avatar?

If the profile you want to share is currently displayed on the dashboard press the share icon on the top left. This will take you to the edit profile page. Select the sharing option you prefer – Share Latest Avatar (free) or Share Profile (subscription required by recipient).

If the profile you want to share is not currently visible on the dashboard press the left / right arrows next to the avatar date under your avatar to find the profile you wish to share. Then press the share icon on the top left. This will take you to the edit profile page. Select the sharing option you prefer – Share Latest Avatar (free) or Share Profile (subscription required by recipient).

Alternatively press the profile name at the top of the screen. Select the edit button (pencil) at the top right of the change profile screen and select the profile you wish to share. Select the sharing option you prefer – Share Latest Avatar (free) or Share Profile (subscription required).

Note – You can only share avatars for profiles you have created. You cannot share avatars which have been shared with you.

How do I delete an avatar?

On the dashboard screen press the change avatar button (circle with 2 arrows inside) under the avatar, swipe left on the avatar you wish to delete and press Delete.

Note – Historical avatars are only available to profiles with a subscription.

How do I refresh my profile?

Refreshing a profile is done by either switching profiles or closing and restarting the app.

To refresh a profile by switching profiles on the dashboard screen press the left or right arrow underneath your avatar to change to another profile then press the opposite arrow to return to the original profile.

Alternatively on the dashboard screen press the profile name at the top of the screen and then select another profile to display it. (A yellow box appears around the currently selected profile.) Press back to go back to the dashboard. Again on the dashboard screen press the profile name at the top of the screen and then select the initial profile to display it again. Press back to go back to the dashboard.

How do I add a new profile?

On the dashboard screen press the profile name at the top of the screen.

Press the yellow circle with the + sign on it to add a new profile. (If you have a lot of profiles you may need to scroll down).

How do I change profiles?

On the dashboard screen press the left and right arrows underneath your avatar.

Alternatively on the dashboard screen press the profile name at the top of the screen and then select the profile you wish to display. A yellow box will appear around the currently selected profile. Press back arrow to go back to the dashboard.

How do I share a profile?

If the profile you want to share is currently displayed on the dashboard press the share icon on the top left. This will take you to the edit profile page. Select the sharing option you prefer – Share Latest Avatar (free) or Share Full Profile (subscription required by recipient).

If the profile you want to share is not currently visible on the dashboard press the left / right arrows next to the avatar date under your avatar to find the profile you wish to share. Then press the share icon on the top left. This will take you to the edit profile page. Select the sharing option you prefer – Share Latest Avatar (free) or Share Full Profile (subscription required by recipient).

Alternatively press the profile name at the top of the screen. Select the edit button (pencil) at the top right of the change profile screen and select the profile you wish to share. Select the sharing option you prefer – Share Latest Avatar (free) or Share Full Profile (subscription required).

Note – You can only share profiles you have created. You cannot share profiles which have been shared with you.

How do I delete a profile?

On the dashboard screen press the profile name at the top of the screen. Select the edit button (pencil) at the top right of the change profile screen and select the profile you wish to delete. Select the Delete button.

What is a profile owner / creator?

A profile owner / creator is the account holder who creates a profile. Only they have the ability to share the profile with other users.

For your privacy and security do not let other people create profiles for you in their account. Create your profile in your account and share the profile / avatar with relevant people so you can control who has access to your information.

How do I change the default measurements displayed on the dashboard?

Press the menu button (3 horizontal lines) on the top right of the dashboard screen.

Select account settings.

Press the right arrow next to Dashboard Metrics.

Choose your preferred measurements and press Save.

How do you recommend clothing sizes?

Size recommendations are generated by matching your measurements with the suppliers recommended measurements and sizes.

Who do you share my data with?

By default, we do not share your specific personal data with anyone. Users may choose to share data (like measurements or avatars) with other users and businesses.

How do I get access to all my data or delete it all?

You can request a copy of all data we hold on you or request we delete all data held by emailing us at hello@3dmeasureme.com.

How do I delete my account?

To delete your account, select the hamburger menu on the top right of the app home screen, select account settings and then select “Delete Account”. Follow the instructions on screen. Please note this deletion is not reversible and all shared profiles will also be deleted.

What does error "Unable to create an avatar from these images, please review the instructions and try again." mean?

This error commonly occurs when there are a lot of things in the background making it hard to determine your shape or when a persons whole body is not visible. e.g. your legs are hidden behind a table.
To reduce the risk of these errors we recommend standing in front of plain contrasting wall with your whole body (including feet) visible on the screen. The closer to the phone you are the better, as long as your whole body is visible. In selfie mode, putting your phone on a dining chair/ coffee table instead of a dining table or high stool makes it easier to capture your whole body while still being as close to the phone as possible. Make sure the area is well lit so our systems can make out your body shape easily.

What does error "Face detection error on front and side photos, please review the instructions and try again." mean?

This error commonly occurs when something is blocking your face, you are too far away from the camera so your face is very blurry or you have a bright light behind you hiding your face from the camera. 
To reduce the risk of these errors we recommend standing in front of plain contrasting wall with your whole body visible on the screen. The closer to the phone you are the better, as long as your whole body is visible. In selfie mode putting your phone on a chair / coffee table makes it easier to capture your whole body while still being as close to the phone as possible.
Note: Face detection is used to determine which direction your head is facing.